The Blog

Featured post

As I've said before, I find the beauty of photography in the memories made and the stories that are captured. I am also the type of person that can talk for hours on end about the things that I'm passionate about!

With that in mind, I've started a blog of my own to share some of my favorite stories! In addition to wedding photo content, I will also be giving lots of advice, tips and tricks that I've picked up over the years I've spent in the wedding industry! So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and read to your heart's content.

to my photo journal


Educational Blogs

“Delaney you’re rebranding? Are you CRAZY?!” Nope, just looking to get better! For the past SEVEN years (wow, I cannot believe I have been doing wedding and elopement photography for this long!), I have had the privilege of being the lead photographer for and essentially running For Always Photos. My beautiful mother, Cyndi Durham, founded […]

I’m Rebranding, and You Should Too